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Program Age Requirement Details
CalApprenticeships 18+ The Registered Apprenticeship system of training is unique in that it is the only formal, structured, and nationally recognized education and training program available that combines the two most common forms of career and occupational learning: classroom instruction with on-the-job training.
California Department of Industrial Relations 16+ Apprenticeship is a system of learning while earning, and "learning by doing." It combines training on the job with related and supplemental instruction at school. Today, it is utilized chiefly in the skilled crafts. Each program operates under apprenticeship training standards agreed to by labor and/or management in accordance with State and Federal laws, under which a person works with a skilled worker and gains on the job skills and "know-how" and in turn becomes an important part of the occupation and industry.
US Department of Labor - Employment and Training Administration 16+, (18+ for hazardous jobs) Registered Apprenticeship programs meet the skilled workforce needs of American industry, training millions of qualified individuals for lifelong careers since 1937. Registered Apprenticeship helps mobilize America's workforce with structured, on-the-job learning in traditional industries such as construction and manufacturing, as well as new emerging industries such as health care, information technology, energy, telecommunications and more.